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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Last Day of the Reverie Giveaway

I’ve been a diligent poster and commenter everyday. Haven’t won anything, but I’d had fun, and gotten to meet alot of amazing vendors because I always so thank you for GIVING! What an amazing community we have. Truely showing God’s love, and sharing His wealth.

Thank you Skye and vendors for such sweetness!

now check it out and leave the vendors thank yous!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sterling and Miss Quincey: Mission Mountain Winter

A beautiful winter day in Mission, MT and I got to spend it with two of the most beautiful babies ever!

I had the pleasure of getting to go back and spend a few days in heart of the Mission Valley, the place of my roots. My childhood friend and his wife are now raising their children where we use to play around, and spend our days cutting and bailing hay.

What an honour to get to photograph these two special children: